Monday, March 28, 2016

The Gym

There are few times in my life that I feel truly proud of myself. Lately, I've been feeling really proud of myself for working out and sticking to my workout schedules. Although it takes forever to build confidence, fitness gives me a little more confidence each time I work out. I wanted to write not only about working out and how awesome it is, but also about cheering others on and encouraging each other.

I see a lot of tweets like "don't tweet about the gym, just go work out" or "nobody cares that you're at the gym" basically putting down anyone who tweets about the gym. Sometimes there's even Facebook posts [yes Facebook posts] mocking people who like to work out. I don't tweet about the gym to let others know I'm there. I tweet about the gym because I genuinely love the gym. It makes me happy being there. My twitter is basically random thoughts that enter my head, song lyrics, or somethings that interest me. The gym interests me. I love the gym and I love working out so when I tweet about it, I'm not looking for anyone to compliment me or anyone to notice I'm there. I'm tweeting for me. Sorry people but my tweets are not for you!

When I see progress pictures or gym posts, I feel so proud of people! Like yay!! You're making yourself healthier and fitter and in that process, you're probably gaining some confidence which you deserve. When I'm at the gym I love seeing people there! Whether you're heavy set, already skinny and toned, or just average, I'm proud to see anyone there. We're all there to accomplish our own goals and some might even be the same. So why not build someone up instead of tweet about how annoying they are? The time it takes to hate on someone for loving the gym is the same amount of time that you could be supporting them and putting positive energy out there.

The gym is the one place I truly feel good about myself. I get there and I know what I'm doing. I have a plan and I even help my friends that tag along with me. It's a good feeling. I like to see progress and I like to feel good afterwards. Working out is SO important. Not only would I like to lose a few pounds here and there, but I just want to be healthy. There are so many fast food chains or unhealthy aisles in the grocery store. It is so hard to stay on track but the gym is there to help you when you fall off. I think it is so important to feel good and like the way you look. Every body has a different shape and a different look, but as long as you're healthy who cares! Be you and love who you are and how you like. The gym is there to help you feel good!!

Moral of the story, be proud of yourself and be proud of your peers. When I take a friend with me to workout or even my mom, I am so proud of how hard they work. I'm also so proud of how hard I work, too. There is nothing but positivity there and I feel like that is how everyone should feel too! Next time you see someone post a progress pic, don't judge them, be proud of them! (Do you know how hard it is to feel comfortable enough to post a progress picture? IT'S HARD) When you see someone tweet about going to the gym, think wow good for you, maybe I should go too! instead of hating on them!

Spread positivity and positivity will come back to you!


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