World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated worldwide on March 21! Why? A person born with Down Syndrome has an extra 21st chromosome. There is so much to celebrate on this day!
1. Celebrate someone you love with an extra 21st chromosome! (DUH)
2. Celebrate the fact that they are here and were given a chance at life.
3. Celebrate parents, teachers, family, friends of those with Down Syndrome. They are the reason our friends with Down Syndrome are doing amazing things and living their lives to the fullest. Without the support of these people, those with Down Syndrome would not live a filled life.
4. Celebrate their advances and accomplishments. Just some 20 or 30 years back, people with Down Syndrome were sent to facilities and not expected to do much. Now we have models, actors, olympic athletes that are all accomplishing so much all while having Down Syndrome.
5. Celebrate the graduates who have graduated from High School and maybe even gone to college. That's right, kids with Down Syndrome are going to college now!
6. Celebrate the differences those with Down Syndrome bring to this world. They teach those they encounter every single day to appreciate differences and lessen judgement.
7. Celebrate what they can do instead of what they can't. They might not be able to drive, but they can walk! They might not be able to become a lawyer, but they can work in a busy grocery store working around people!
Every day should be a celebration of those who have Down Syndrome. This disability can really hold them back if they let it, but we need to celebrate the fact that they don't let it hold them back! If you see someone with Down Syndrome today, make sure to let them know they're special and you're thankful that they are here today.
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