Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Here's to the Future

Let's be straight - 2016 sucked. A Lot. Trump won the presidential election, Vine died along with Mrs.Brady AND Alan Thicke, for Temple fans Matt Rhule left, etc etc etc. It's normal to have a bad year, a year where nothing goes right and you're just like ok what the hell is going to happen next? But I have good news for you!  2016 is coming to an end!! Although a lot of people are like okay what really makes the different between December 31st and January 1st besides the date? But to me, it's not just another day. It's a  fresh start, a new beginning, a whole world of possibilities that will follow. You're starting a brand new year where you literally have no idea what could happen. You could meet your soulmate, you could get your dream job, you could buy a new puppy, you could go on an amazing vacation, it's just endless possibilities! Sounds corny? Maybe. But I like to think the new year is a way to almost cleanse your palate. Yeah, just like a lot of people, my 2016 was most likely the worst year of my life. In fact, 8 months ago I didn't even think I'd see the end of year, but here I am. This year was full of firsts for me. My first real breakup with someone I gave my all to, my first week long hospital stay (fun fact: the food is delicious), my first time staring death in the face, the first time I cut friends out of my life because they were bad for me (and kept them out), my first shot at recovery, my first investment in my own puppy (best investment ever), and the list goes on and on. But just because I had this unbelievable rough year DOES NOT mean I will be carrying any of that into 2017. I am ready to kiss 2016 goodbye and say helloooo to 2017.

Wanna know the good things about bad things? Lessons lessons lessons. Ok yeah I'm in my 5th year of college (long story) but I can guarantee you I learned more about life this year alone than my million years of schooling. I learned that life has ups and downs and the downs can be scary, but the ups can be beautiful. I learned that sometimes a breakup is a good thing in the end and even though it seems like something you'll never get over, I learned that you will get over it. I learned that the rock bottom I thought I knew and the rock bottom I hit this year are extremely different. I learned who my true friends are and what support system I have behind me. I learned that my angels in Heaven still have my back even though they aren't on earth with me. I learned that bullies will be bullies and I will NEVER allow myself to be like them. I learned to never fake a smile again and talk to my support system when I know things are getting bad. My god, the list goes on and on and on. Life is such a funny thing. I don't remember reading a manual on how to handle all of this but hell I fricken did and so did you, every day. My mom said to me recently, "it's hard to believe how fragile you were earlier this year and how tough you are now." First of all shoutout to my mom because I wouldn't be tough without her and second of all, hell yeah. I have become a new version of myself this year.

Maybe you've experienced something like me, maybe you haven't but why do I feel like sharing all of this? Because maybe someone can see me still here, still smiling, and think wow I can do it too. Because life does get better, you will smile again, you will be happy again. If my story can make ONE person think twice about ending their journey, then I'm happy to share. Life will chew you up and spit you out, but it will also remind you how beautiful it is at random points and you'll be like wow thank god I'm here. I remember a month or so after I got out of the hospital I was having a catch with my dad and I was just thinking why the hell did I almost give up these moments? Just because you're in a dark space doesn't mean it'll never end. The light will shine through.

All in all, we are so lucky. So lucky to have a new year waiting for us. So lucky to have the chance to make 2017 the best year yet. We have the chance to start over, the chance to grow from this year, the chance to be better. The chance to look back at this year and say ha f you, I made it. Here's to making 2017 our bitch.

Happy New Year. 
